Established in 2018, Extra Mile Pediatrics is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit medical mission organization committed to providing repeated pediatric care to communities that face significant barriers to receiving treatment.

What sets us apart from other medical service programs is that we return to the same communities time after time. Returning is more than seeing a familiar face, its deeply understanding the specific needs to ensure lasting change. When we’re not serving in person, we’re helping virtually with telehealth services and shipping over supplies like prescription glasses.
With the help of our services, hundreds of children receive recurring medical care each year. The preventative care and habits we promote and teach now will solidify healthier practices for years to come. Creating positive change happens by performing comprehensive care while simultaneously developing long-term solutions.
Trip Dates:
April 22-29, 2025
October 7-14, 2025
We began developing relationships within El Salvador in 2018, making it our longest-running program to date. Since then, we have been building our program within five different communities, conducting more than 1500 patient visits and providing vital care to hundreds of children in need. These week-long service trips typically take place during April and October, about six months apart.
Trip Dates:
January 11-18, 2025 (FULL)
July 19-26, 2025
Our program in Guatemala started in early 2020, briefly interrupted by the pandemic. In 2021, we continued our efforts to get to know three communities situated along the southern Pacific coast. This upcoming July, we will initiate clinical programs in the coffee regions surrounding Antigua. Similar to our program in El Salvador, we consistently send field teams to these areas for a minimum of one week every six months, typically in January and July.